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clatter to make a loud rattling noise, as by striking objects together or by moving. [3 definitions]
clutter to fill or litter with an untidy assortment of things. [3 definitions]
packthread a strong thread or twine used esp. to tie packages or bundles.
scarlet a bright orangy red color. [4 definitions]
scarlet letter formerly, a red letter "A" worn as a badge of shame by a convicted adulterer, as among U.S. Puritans.
scatter to cause to separate in all directions; disperse. [6 definitions]
screw thread the continuous helical ridge or groove on the outer surface of a screw or the inner surface of a nut.
slather (informal) to spread or apply thickly; pile on.
sleuth a detective. [2 definitions]
slither to move by twisting and sliding along a surface. [4 definitions]
thread a fine strand of spun fiber such as cotton or flax, usu. composed of two or more filaments twisted together and used in sewing, weaving, and the like. [12 definitions]